i've just had my best bonfire in my life.i've experienced bonfire several times,once in my elementary school,once in my junior high,and three times in my high school.and the latest bonfire i've had,is the most memorable one so far.
it's not because it just happened recently,but it's because it is the moment when practically everybody in that place shared their thoughts,their stories,and their feelings(hehe) at that time.and another one good reason is that's the bonfire that my friends made,it's not made by my teachers,or by someone i don't know,it's made by my friends and i mean this literally.
we made it since it just the woods untill the fire came up,and i must say that it's not easy.first,it was raining.so,we had to wait till the rain stopped.then,we gathered around and tried to light up the fire.when we poured the gas,there was just a little fire,not the big fire like our wish.so we tried to find another thing to light up the fire even more.we used dito's axe-it's a perfume-,but still it's too little.we can't call it bonfire if it was just that little.then there we were,trying to find another thing.we burned tissues but nothing happened.we almost canceled the bonfire,and we said such things like "katanya anak ipa,tapi ga tau cara nyalain api" or "aduh coba bisa kayak hermione,bisa nyalain api terus dibawa2 di botol".some of us were dissapointed when the fire didn't work,so we kept trying to light it up.
then i had an idea,maybe a stupid one,but i didn't care,so i said to my friends "eh kalo minyak kayu putih bisa ga?".then my friends laughed,i already predicted it.but one of them asked me to took it.so i took it,and i handed it over to my friend.he poured a little of it first and kabooooom,the fire was bigger than ever,but still not big enough.we "hurrraaaaaayed",well at least we found thing that could light it up.and then my friend do the stupid thing.he threw the bottle away!i mean,we still need it to light up the fire because the fire wasn't big enough.and there was more in the bottle to make the fire bigger,but he threw the bottle away,so then we didn't have anything to light it up.hahahaha get it?
after that,we all had no idea anymore.in that desperation to make a bonfire,my friend had an idea.he took his skybattle towel and he twisted it around and around.and then there it was,slowly but sure the fire became bigger and bigger.so we "hurrraaaaaayyeeed" again now that we could make a bonfire.and it turns out to be my most favorite and memorable bonfire in my life.
so after that,we woke up some of our friends who were still asleep,it was about midnight i guess,i didn't remember the time percistly.so i sang "wake up everyone,how can you sleep at time like this?" to my friends who were still asleep.i know i didn't have a good voice-i admit it- and maybe that was why they were awake.hahahaha.
then,we gathered around the bonfire and shared our thoughts.thoughts about our class,our friends,and our experience,and also some of my friends took pictures.one by one,my friends talked about how they felt about our class,including me.i also told them how happy i was to be in this class.and i was surprised by some of them,because it was almost everybody that was in that place shared their stories.and i guess,it was their really really deep and true feelings.for example,i never thought that one of them was scared of not being accepted by us.i never knew it,untill then.so we talked along,untill it was about 3 in the morning.the time just run so fast when you're happy.after that we sang a song together.oh ya,i wanna tell you that some of my friends,when they were talking,they cried..so i guess,it was really really one moment that was so precious to share.i really wanted to cry too,but i couldn't.i was laughing sooooo out loud with my friend,tissa.i didn't know why we were laughing while the others were crying,but it just happened.hahahah i guess,we always find something to be laughed about.after that,we sang a song.it was "ingatlah hari ini" by project pop.heeem,it was a moment in my life that felt like a movie.and there it was,tissa and i cried.while everybody stopped crying,we cried.hahahah i do not know why.and it just felt like a movie again,when somehow after we sang that song,the fire burned down.ahhahauah can you call it a coincidence?don't think so.
well,that's all.that is my greatest,my best,my most favourite,and most memorable bonfire ever in my life.
*thankyou all for giving me that precious moment to share
*and sorry for my terrible english hehehe
Terjemahan: La La Land
8 tahun yang lalu
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